
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Prof. David Autor

Prof. David Autor (Ph.D., Harvard University) is the Ford Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has published widely on labor availability, and specializes in human capital research. From 2009-2014, he was editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives.

You were recently quoted in a Wall Street Journal article on the increasing length of economic papers. Were there any quotes that you wish had made it into the article that got cut?

Yes! I made the point that part of the reason that articles are so long is that their length necessitates even more length! It sounds paradoxical, but it’s true. If you’re going to write 50 pages of body text, you need a 10 page intro to summarize it all — since almost no one will read your 50 page paper. But then, if the body of the paper is so long, you’d better add in signposts, summaries, and previews along the way. The end result is that the extra length of your paper demands even more text.

By analogy: If you engineer an overweight automobile, you’ll need a bigger engine, and a heftier suspension, and larger brakes, and a larger fuel tank for that larger engine, etc. All of these additions compound the original error. If you’d simply start out with a lean vehicle design, you need to add fewer weighty components to compensate for its excess mass.  

Are there any resources you’d recommend for aspiring economists—particularly but not only undergraduates—who want to write well? Or are there any economists who you think are especially good writers?

Paul Krugman’s Development, Geography, and Economic Theory is one of my favorite parables. It illuminates the role that economic theory serves in our profession.

Joshua Angrist is a terrific expository writer, and an admire both of his econometrics textbooks and his other popular and technical writings.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Prof. Javier Silvestre

Prof. Javier Silvestre (Ph.D., University of Zaragoza) is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Applied Economics and Economic History at the University of Zaragoza. He has written extensively on the economics of workplace safety and migration and has been a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics, University College Dublin, Princeton University, and the University of British Columbia.

Javier Silvestre

What are the differences between how economics is taught in Spain or Europe more broadly and the United States? 

This is difficult to answer. In fact, there are many differences between European countries. Perhaps a difference between the US and, say, Spain is that the first academic years tend to have more theoretical content here. Students are already choosing economics as a unique field of study from the start. These courses might make the first years more difficult. But the situation reverses regarding the last academic years, by far. The last academic years are much harder in the US.

Is it customary in Spain for students to learn anything about economics before they enter university? If so, at what age?

Typically, one of the two economics courses included in "bachillerato" (upper secondary school, from 16 to 18 years) is compulsory, and the other one is voluntary.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Prof. Sarah Estelle

Sarah Estelle (Ph.D., University of Virginia) is Associate Professor of Economics and Ruch Faculty Fellow at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. She is interested in public policy, especially criminal justice reform, education choices, risky health behaviors and parents' investments in children. In her research she extends the theories and empirical techniques of microeconomics to questions located along what some might consider the "imperialist" frontier of economic research made famous by Gary Becker. She also serves on the Board of Scholars at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.

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If you were queen for a day and could require all students to read one book in the field of economics, what would it be and why?

As queen for a day, I would rather give everyone some advice on how to locate one economics book they might enjoy. My goal for them would be to find an aspect of economics that really lights their fire or, as a mentor of mine, Dr. Ken Elzinga at UVa likes to say, “stirs their cocoa.”
One type of book I often recommend to young economists and other economic novices is those that nurture economic intuition. These include books for a general audience that use economics to understand otherwise strange or paradoxical realities including volumes by Steven Landsburg and Daniel Hamermesh, any of the four fictional works featuring an economist-sleuth who solves murders, written under the pseudonym Marshall Jevons, and other novels that, sometimes rather subtly, impart economic perspective like Russ Roberts’ The Invisible Heart.

These books teach basic economics in a fun way which is a great for finding some traction with the economic way of thinking.
To others, perhaps those who are interested in political economy, philosophy, history, or policy--those students of the liberal arts, say--I would recommend some of the classics. Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson and Bastiat’s The Law make clear that unintended consequences are pervasive. Such a lesson is key to economic literacy. Adam Smith is still extremely relevant and insightful. Too few professonial economists, even, have read The Wealth of Nations and even fewer The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Authors like Ludwig von Mises and F.A. Hayek are a good read for those who grapple with big ideas related to economic systems, the role of the state, the importance of institutions, the wonder of the price system, etc. In fact, for those who are broadly curious about these sorts of things, even classic works of fiction--I’m thinking of Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich or Orwell’s 1984--can spur some helpful economic thinking. 

Finally, if there is a particular human issue or policy that someone is interested in, I might recommend they locate an economics journal and peruse its offerings on the topic. If someone is interested in education, for example, just skimming the titles and abstracts of the last few volumes of the Economics of Education Review would be enlightening about the variety of things that economists do within that broad topic area. If someone is interested in law (and maybe especially if they don’t think they’re interested in economics), I’d love to see them read a few articles that pique their interest in the Journal of Law and Economics. If s/he is interested in marriage and fertility behaviors or concerned about criminal behavior, addiction, or discrimination, s/he should read some Gary Becker. You can skip all the mathematical theory and econometrics for now, if you’d like.

I know I’ve missed many similarly useful texts, including many by the other economists you’ve interviewed, so I encourage your readers to look at what each of them have written as well. Still, I hope this typology is helpful to any individual who wants to think carefully about where he might his initial enthusiasm for economics.

Was there a particular person—a professor or someone outside of academia—who played an important role in your decision to become an economist?

I went into college thinking I'd like to be a politician. I quickly realized that compromise and telling people what they want to hear, well, neither was my cup-of-tea, so holding elected office mightn't be my best plan. Better yet, I love exploring big ideas, and there is another discipline (something that didn't even resemble what it looked like in high school) that did suit me: economics. I would say now, in hindsight, that it helped me understand better how God made my particular mind to work. The first person who influenced my decision to become an economist was someone I never met, Ludwig von Mises. In reading his book Liberalism I felt I had found a kindred spirit, and I realized I was an economist. (Not that I wanted to be an economist, rather I was made to be an economist.) After that, my undergraduate economics professors, especially my advisor Dr. Lee Coppock (now at UVa), played important roles in my decision to become a professional economist by nurturing my passion for economics as well as my economic intuition.

Realizing a passion for the subject matter and methodology of economics is crucial, of course, but just having an awareness that becoming a professional economist is possible is important as well. The first time I recall thinking about graduate school, a necessary step for becoming a professional economist, was my sophomore year at Hillsdale College, when the lecturer of my business statistics course, Mrs. Jacquelyn Blackstock, suggested to my parents that I should consider it. It is kind of a funny story, because Hillsdale, at least at that time, had something like parent-teacher conferences during Parents Weekend and my parents, always supportive and ever dutiful, took the opportunity to meet my professors. It is interesting that they're part of the story, because it was they who asked Mrs. Blackstock thinking outloud,"But how will she pay for it?" No one in my family had ever pursued a Ph.D. before, and as with many families of undergraduate students, we were all still worrying about how to pay for college. Mrs. Blackstock replied kindly, "She won't have to pay for it. They'll pay her." What a fantastic realization that grad school could be affordable (in reality, for some it can be almost lucrative at points) and that I could continue to pursue my passion without that particular challenge! I often reflect on this story, frequently sharing it with my most-promising students. First, this story provides me an opportunity to help current undergraduates refocus their efforts and energies on what is really crucial for getting into grad school and persisting on to becoming a full-fledged economist. Lacking high-level mathematical reasoning and skills, solid economic intuition, or intellectual curiosity are deal breakers. It should be a relief that, for those who possess these skills, affordability is much less of a concern. And second, this story reminds me not to assume that a good student is going to understand what he or she is capable of or what opportunities could lie ahead of them. I shouldn’t be subtle in my encouragement.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Prof. Joyce Burnette

Prof. Joyce Burnette (Ph.D., Northwestern University) is Lawrence E. Devorre Professor of Economics at Wabash College. She is an economic historian who focuses on the role of women in the labor market.  Her 2008 book, Gender, Work, and Wages in Industrial Revolution Britain (Cambridge University Press), argues that, since strength was important in many occupations, lower wages do not necessarily imply discrimination.

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Which book that isn't typically on course syllabi should all economics students read?

The book I would suggest is Joel Mokyr's Lever of Riches.

Do you have any good economics jokes you can share?

A physicist, chemist, and economist are stranded on a desert island.  They have canned food but no can openner.  The physicist says: "If we climb up a tree and drop the can, the force of the fall will open it." The chemist says: "If we heat the can, the contents will expand and force open the can." The economist says: "Assume we have a can opener..."

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Prof. Claudia Rei

Prof. Claudia Rei (Ph.D., Boston University) is Senior Teaching Fellow at the University of Warwick. She has published several reviews and articles on European economic history.

Profile picture 

If you were queen for a day and could require all students to read one book in the field of economics, what would it be and why?

Power and Plenty by Ronald Findlay and Kevin O'Rourke
The book provides a concise economic history of the world since the year 1000 and shows how international trade, at various stages, allowed for economic prosperity. The authors focus on the technological and political developments that prompted the various waves of trade and at the crucial importance of war and peace in the process that shaped the world economy we see today. If I were queen for a day I would make it a required reading for all students, and also to politicians whom I would rightfully appoint into office!

If you were not an economist, what would you be?

I never wished to fill any particular occupation unlike many children that aspire to doctors, firemen, or astronauts. I'm very squeamish so I knew early on I could not be a doctor, but I liked math and computers which does not narrow choices much. I grew up in Portugal so there was a non-negligible chance that I wouldn't be accepted into college due to the complicated application system. My Plan B at 17, was to shave my head and join the army. Not sure it would have been a great alternative career, so I am glad I got into college.